The 2nd Connected Aircraft China Congress 2020
2020年4月22日至23日 中国,上海市
April 22nd - 23rd , 2020 Shanghai, China
【主办单位 / Hosted by】
Civil Aircraft Operation Support Technology Sub-committee of CSAA
【支持单位 / Supported by】
COMAC?Shanghai Aircraft Design And Research Institute
【承办单位 / Organized by】
COMAC Shanghai Aircraft Customer Service Co.,?Ltd.
Galleon (Shanghai) Consulting Co., Ltd.
另一方面,中国是全球第二大航空市场。根据国际航空运输协会的预测,中国将会在2022年左右取代美国成为全球第一大航空市场。面对这样一个巨大市场,机上Wi-Fi不仅成为提升旅客体验、增强常旅客忠诚度的“good to have”,最成为油价飙升、竞争白热化环境下,国内各大航空公司新的赢利蓝海和“must have”。
【Event Background】
CAAC suggested in its draft implementation plan for accelerating air Internet access that all domestic aviation departments complete 60% of the overall plan for air Internet access services by the end of 2020 and strive to cover the entire fleet by 2022. Feng zhenglin, deputy general of CAAC, also said at this year's National People's Congress and the Chinese Political Consultative Conference that he would continue to promote in-flight wi-fi technology in the coming years. For airlines, developing in-flight wi-fi is a trend.
On the other hand, China is the world's second largest aviation market. According to the prediction of IATA, China will overtake the United States as the world's largest aviation market around 2022. In the face of such a huge market, in-flight wi-fi has not only become a “good to have” to enhance the passenger experience and strengthen the loyalty of frequent fliers, but also become a new blue ocean of profits and a “must have” for major domestic airlines in the context of soaring oil prices and white-hot competition.
In just two years, more than 2,000 aircraft in China will be equipped with in-flight wi-fi, doubling in three years. Based on the size of the new civil aviation aircraft in China, the size of the fleet in 2022 will approach 5,000 . New equipment and the demand of the system is only a small piece of the market, China civil aviation transportation passenger quantity has 610 million visitors in 2018, If the average person flies 2.5 hours, that's more than 1.5 billion hours a year, who can attract this group of high quality flight passengers fly time , then open up a vast market will undoubtedly.
5. 如何实现客户数据多点触达,提升互联运作多方协同效率
9.机上互联未来运营及盈利模式探索 <http://www.baidu.com/link?url=62sypj2ChcOu91moNRqyF3aU52CaC4_wvTZGqtusZIUlZXFGjoOnfqLfXVKP67vPRlW8ITY-nLgHDQdF9UMnfq>
【Hot Topics】
1.On - board Information Network Construction and Security Management
2.Evaluation of Data Port Access Standards for Domestic Civil Aircraft Interconnection
3.Business Opportunities after Inflight Network Access
4.How to Realize the Integrated Solution of Connected Aircraft
5.How to Achieve Multi-touch of Customer Data and Improve the Collaborative Efficiency of Interconnected Operation
6.Development of Aircraft Remote Diagnosis and Real-time Tracking System
7.The Era of Connected Aircraft Helps the Linkage of Company's Products, Customer System/Brand System
8.A New Generation of Secure High-bandwidth Satellite Connections to Improve Operational Efficiency
9.Exploration of Future Operation and Profit Model of In-flight Connect
10.How to Manage the Interconnecting Service of Cabin Efficiently
11.How to Continuously Optimize Passengers' In-flight Experience
12.Exploration on the Cooperative Operation Mode of Interconnection Platform of Small and Medium-sized Airlines
13.On - board Network Threat Analysis and Continuous Protection
14.Challenges and Opportunities in the Modification of Connected Aircraft in China
15.Innovative Connectivity Onboard Infrastructure Solutions for Digital Transformation of Airlines
刘女士(Sara LIU)
电话:(+86) 021 - 5155 9030
传真:(+86) 021 - 5155 9049
邮箱: marketing@galleon.cc <mailto:marketing@galleon.cc>
Company name: Galleon (Shanghai) Consulting Co., Ltd.
Name: Sara LIU
Email: marketing@galleon.cc <mailto:markrting@galleon.cc>
Web: <http://www.galleon.cc>
Phone: +86 0 21 5155.9030
Fax: +86 0 21 5155.9049
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